Hiking has plenty of extrinsic benefits like great views, fresh air, sounds of nature and conquering the summit. But the BIG why is hiking so good for you comes from the intrinsic rewards we get while we are out there.

We should aim to hike because it is personally rewarding, serves us and makes us happy. Physiologically though, hiking offers many health benefits like a reduced risk of heart disorders, lower sugar and blood pressure levels and helps boost bone density as walking is considered as a weight-bearing workout. Hiking has a positive impact on your mood and it also helps to lower anxiety and stress-related issues.

If you are new to hiking, it is best to start with a shorter local hike and then gradually move on to longer/harder trails as you feel ready to explore. Even if you are choosing short trails for hiking, it will increase your heart rate, burn a few calories and leave you feeling refreshed and ready for more!

Before you hit the trails, be sure to read this post: Adventure How To: Checklist for a Day Hike

23 Reasons You Should Hike

Find more detailed benefits of hiking over at Arun site: http://www.riderstrail.com/.

For me, spending time in the woods helps reset my energy. For holidays, I tend to take 1 week chunks and head off into the wilderness. It’s the most invigorating thing I can do for myself. I love sleeping in my tent, drinking coffee as the sun rises and hearing the sound of quiet nature. Here are a few of my favourite multiday hiking trips;

West Coast Trail – Pacific Rim National Park, British Columbia

Laugavegur – the Hot Spring Trail, Iceland

Long Range Traverse – Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland

Lewis Hills – Cabox Global Geopark

What benefits do you get from hiking?

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