Gear Review: Title Nine Swimwear

Like many other women in this world, I find shopping for swimsuits stressful. But now I’ve found Title Nine swimwear. Why Title Nine Swimwear? What first drew me in was the slogan on their swimwear page: “More R&D. Less T&A”. Finally, someone who gets it! Though I am proud of my body and don’t mind READ MORE

On the Go Geology: Fossil Identification

Fossil hunting is a great activity at any age, and Newfoundland is the perfect place to do it. The thrill of discovery is made even more magical with a little fossil knowledge. Some basic skills in fossil identification can help you to picture what the area used to look like millions of years ago, and better understand the amazing creatures that ruled at the time.

On the Go Geology: Hiking the Tablelands

Hiking the Tablelands of Gros Morne National Park is a truly unique experience. These rocks are hard to find on the Earth’s surface, so if you’re visiting Newfoundland this is a stop not to be missed!