Outdoor Safety Discussion

Outdoor Safety Discussion

This past week, we hosted our first #workshopwednesday over in the Outdoor Intelligence Academy Facebook Group. We had a nice turn out and a great outdoor safety discussion. Here’s the recap but if you would rather watch the videos, join the group! Tonight we’re chatting about staying safe when we go outdoors. It’s always good…

never miss nelson

Never Miss Nelson

A TRAVEL GUIDE ARTICLE FOR ACTIVE ADVENTURERS Will and I have fallen in love with the West Kootenay’s and Nelson has become one of our top places to play in Canada. In this Travel Guide Article for Active Adventurers we want to show you why you should never miss Nelson! WOW! The weather is great!…

Guide to Leading a Hike

Guide to Leading a Hike

Sharing your love of hiking and exploring is a wonderful way to motivate and inspire others to get out and do the same. Hiking has many benefits, just a few are fitness, enjoyment, and connecting with nature. With this Guide to Leading A Hike, I hope to share a simple process you can use repeatedly…