So much can happen in just one year.

Growth. Changes. And new beginnings.

It was this time last year, I was beginning again – with blogging. I had spent months learning how to build a better blog, how to build a website, how to build a following, and how to share my passion for outdoor adventure with the world.

On Nov 14, 2015 I hit launch on the version of Outdoors and On the Go you are familiar with today. And I couldn’t be more happy to have had such a successful first year on this new platform.

And it would be nothing without YOU!! The Outdoors and On the Go readers. It’s for you. It’s your blog. It’s there to help you, share adventures with you and hopefully inspire you to get out and on the go – wherever you are!top-100-outdoor-blogs-high-res

Because of our community of almost 4000 strong, Outdoors and On the Go was listed in the TOP 100 Outdoor Blogs on Feedspot this month!! We got a medal and everything! Being listed alongside Outside Magazine, REI Co-Op Journal, Scotland Outdoors Magazine, and Just a Colorado Gal is an incredible honour:)

Outdoors and On the Go was also able to write two posts for Adventure Central (one of our Destination Management Organizations here on the island) which were featured on, the province’s tourism website!

So I want to THANK YOU, all of you, for reading my posts, commenting, sharing, and following along as part of the Outdoors and On the Go community!

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How can I make Outdoors and On the Go better?

I really want you to enjoy this blog and feel connected to the Outdoors and On the Go Community. Please consider sharing your feedback by clicking the button below ~ thank you!

Anything you wish to share is welcome. I will commit to reading every single response, although I cannot promise to action all of it.  All that I ask in return is for honest, constructive feedback.

Provide Feedback

Readers Choice: Top 10 Most Viewed Posts

  1. Hike This: Alexander Murray Trail at 544 views!!
  2. Gear Review: Icebreaker Stratus Jacket at 456 views
  3. Snowshoe Adventure: Hummock Trail at 318 views
  4. Hike This: Lewis Hills Traverse at 306 views
  5. Hike This: Long Range Traverse at 219 views
  6. IATNL Trail Enhancement Crew ~ Looking for Volunteers!! at 167 views
  7. Hike This: Tortoise Mountain Trail at 137 views
  8. Western Newfoundland’s Top 10 Winter Adventures at 134 views
  9. Hike This: Copper Mine to Cape Trail at 121 views
  10. Adventure How To: Checklist for a Day Hike at 106 views

Adventure Photo Fav’s

LaugavegurExploring the Northern Peninsuladevil's bite trailhiking bootsAphlexGros Morne National Park

What’s on the Horizon?

Well…a bunch of stuff! One year seems like a long time, but it goes by quickly. Planning and actioning is key.

I would love to hear your feedback on my survey to help determine the specifics, but I plan to share more about preparing to trek, travel stories as I continue to explore Newfoundland and Labrador as well as Atlantic Canada and Iceland, perhaps offer some training sessions and overnight trips, keep posting gear reviews and work with you to keep building the Outdoors and On the Go Community!

Here’s to another fun and adventurous year ahead for all of us! Thanks again for all your support:)

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