Fall is one of the best times to hike; the weather is cool, the leaves are changing, the air is fresh. Here in Newfoundland, as in many other areas, hunting season is in full swing. Here on the island, hunting season is a big deal. Gotta get me moose b’y!

So how to you hit the trails and do so safely? The following are practices I do routinely and are based on personal experience and research.

The Hunters Dress Code

“Be Safe, Be Seen. Wear BLAZE Orange.”

  • Wear a hat or toque in bright orange.
  • Throw on a safety vest or tie it across your backpack. A bright coloured rain cover or rain jacket is good too.
  • Make sure your furry friend also wears their vest. I also use a bear bell on Bubbles collar to let others know she is coming regardless of the season.
  • Make noise while your hiking – talk, sing, wear a bell…this let’s hunters know your in the area. Unfortunately, this will also scare off the game they are hunting for.

Know the Hunting Season and When/ Where it’s Safest to Hike

Stick to Established Trails

Respect the Hunters

  • We all share the right to access crown lands and they have a shorter season to enjoy their outdoor activity than we do. If you know/see people hunting in an area, I would recommend leaving and head somewhere else.
  • Please also remember that hunters are a big part of land conservation and wildlife management,  sharing many of the same goals as other outdoor recreationalists. So lets all work together, play together and enjoy the great outdoors year round safely.

So you’re ready to go, but don’t forget your Day Hiking Essentials;

  • DayPack
  • Rain Gear
  • Warm Layers/Hat/Mitts
  • First Aid Kit/Survival Kit
  • Area Maps/GPS/Compass/Cell Phone
  • Headlamp/Spare Batteries
  • Knife
  • Food/ Water
  • Gaiters/Boots
  • Dress for the weather
  • Tell someone where your going and when you expect to return, even if your going to a familiar place!
  • Take your Camera!

Now get on the go! Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the outdoors in all it’s fall glory:)

P.S. Feel free to respectfully comment and share any tips or experiences you might have about hiking during hunting season below. 

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