8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling

It’s that time the year again! By that I mean the time when you might be preparing to travel for the holidays or considering a winter vacation. I certainly am and these 8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling is gonna make my next trips more fun and help me feel good the whole time! READ MORE

Learning to Mountain Bike in Corner Brook

Fall is a great time of the year to mountain bike in Corner Brook. Is there a better way to combat the shorter days and cooler temps?! Learning to mountain bike has been quite the adventure! Mountain biking isn’t a new sport in western Newfoundland but you had to be pretty hardcore to ride here READ MORE

Adventure How To: Packing for Adventure Travel

Having worked in the adventure travel industry for the last 12 years, means I got to travel quite a bit for work but I also get asked a BAZILLION questions about packing. With this post I will attempt to outline my strategy and highlight my top tips and tricks for packing for adventure travel. Getting READ MORE

Guest Post: How to Shatter the Stereotype of the Average Adventurer

If you travel or live in an area frequented by tourists, you might be familiar with some of the many stereotypes that exist about average adventure travellers. If you don’t want to feel like a average adventurer, you should make yourself aware of the more common travel-related stereotypes.Whether you’re kayaking through a national park or READ MORE

Guest Post: Critical Winter Survival Tips

Well, winter ain’t over yet in Western Newfoundland so Dan from Survival Sullivan offered to share his tips for winter survival. These winter survival tips could save your life – have a read and share your thoughts in the comments below. Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, for which commissions are paid, but these are READ MORE

Learning to Backcountry Ski – First Days

At last! I spent my first days skiing in the backcountry of Gros Morne National Park! Happy to report that I am now one of the people coming back glowing and raving about new lines and awesome runs;)The weather was perfect, all my gear worked and it was amazing – really and truly amazing. I READ MORE

Learning to Backcountry Ski – Gearing Up

I have been putting off learning to backcountry ski, waiting for the time to be right, waiting for the right day, waiting and waiting…excuses! All excuses. I’m done with waiting and using work, relationships and other ‘commitments’ as excuses, so this winter I’m doing it! Over the last few years, more and more of my READ MORE

Fall Hiking: Trails, Checklists and more!

It’s October! Fall is well underway. Often, we start to feel the less motivated to keep active as the cooler weather encroaches and the days shorten. As I talk with fellow outdoor enthusiasts, we all agree that October (even November!) is the best time to adventure and spend time in the woods. There is something in the air, READ MORE

Adventure How To: Checklist for a Day Hike

Whether you’re going to hike for an hour or all day, follow this gear checklist so you are prepared for whatever your adventure brings. The following checklist is by no means exhaustive, but these are the items I ALWAYS carry with me when I head out for a hike. You might initially think this is READ MORE

Adventure How To: Tips for Hiking Boot Care

The hiking season is sneaking up on us quickly here on the east coast – are your hiking boots ready for muddy trails and soggy bogs? Throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, our hiking trails very greatly, but one thing they all have in common is water. From brook crossings to bogs to beaches, water is a hard READ MORE